UM ARMY 2020



Here’s what you need to know.

If you or your youth have never been U.M.ARMY, let me explain!

U.M.ARMY is an acronym which stands for United Methodist Action Reach-Out Mission by Youth. It is a week-long opportunity for youth and adults to experience Christian growth through mission, worship and fellowship. Participants combine their strengths to meet home repair and maintenance needs for low-income, elderly, and disabled homeowners who are physically or financially unable to make needed repairs for themselves.

U.M. ARMY Dates are June 21st thru 27th in Paris, Texas.

The cost is $250. If your youth needs financial assistance, please contact me.
A $50 deposit is required by April 5th. The entirety of the camp cost is due by May 24th.
Payments can be paid in full, or in parts. If you would like to set up a payment schedule, please contact me.
Most youth will have credits to go toward their camp cost from Pumpkin Patch, Trunk-or-Treat, and other activities. I will contact parents separately as numbers come in.

We need adults! Please prayerfully consider joining us for an amazing experience. If you need more information on what your role in this camp would be, please reach out. I would love to talk with you!

A mandatory Parent and Youth U.M. ARMY Meeting will take place on May 24th, at 4pm in place of Youth. Even if your child has been to camp before, please make it a priority to attend. I will be going over the new Cell Phone policy, and we will have a Q&A Session. All paperwork will be emailed to the parent contact in your youth’s Camp Sign Up. These forms need to be filled out and turned in at the meeting May 24th. More camp information is available upon request, on the U.M. ARMY website, or you can ask as many questions as you would like to at the Camp Meeting.

Please do not hesitate to call or email me for information or any questions.


Let’s make this fun…

Last year Trinity UMC brought 19 people to U.M. ARMY! We already have new students that did not attend last year sign up… Here is my challenge for you all. If we can have 20 people (including adults) register and have their $50 deposit paid for U.M.ARMY by April 5th, I will dye my hair whatever color you all choose!!