Welcome to the Trinity Tribe!

Trinity Tribe provides programming and spiritual guidance for middle school and high school aged youth (6th-12th grade).
Our goal is to move the next generation forward in leadership and to prepare them for the challenges and opportunities that we face as a religious community committed to sharing God’s love and grace.
For more information please reach out to one of our Youth Leaders Kailey MacAllister- Youth Director (kaileymacallister@trinitydenton.org) or Amanda Jackson- Asst. Youth Director (amandajackson@trinitydenton.org). We would love to talk with you about all the amazing things our youth are doing about learning, living, and loving God, and bring in your own youth to our Trinity Tribe Family.
Sunday School: 11:00-12:00 in Youth Rooms
Youth Band: 4:00-5:00 in Lowry
Youth: 5-6:30 in Sr. High Youth Room
Dinner: 5:30 (The Well) in Lowry
Trinity Tribe Music: 6-6:30 in Sanct. or Choir Room (Youth Bells and Choir)
Youth: 6:30-7:30 In Youth Rooms