We invite you to join us this Sunday.
Sunday Morning Worship Times: 8:30am (traditional) and 11:00am
Join us Online at YouTube.com/@TrinityUnitedMethodistDenton/streams
Office Hours: Monday – Thursday, 9am – 2pm
Phone: (940) 566-2291
Office Email: office@trinitydenton.org
Church Address: 633 Hobson Lane Denton, TX 76205
If you are looking for a church that feels more like a family than an institution… a place where you can build life-long relationships… a community of faith that will challenge you to grow in your love of God and your understanding of the scripture… and a congregation that worships joyfully and serves humbly… we believe that you will find that here.
Welcome Home.

Rev. Dyan Dietz, Pastor
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