Whew! Last week was SOMETHING, eh, Trinity Family?
Pumpkins? No pumpkins.
YOUTH SUNDAY – wasn’t that wonderful?
Then, just in time, THE PUMPKINS ARRIVED!
With all of that in the rear-view mirror, let’s take a look at the week ahead.
Pumpkin Patch :
Monday -Friday, 11 am to 7 pm.
Saturday, 10 – 7
Sunday, Noon -7
There are shifts still open for each day this week. Please click here and sign up to help
The Well:
Dinner this week is served by the Praise Team. Come share a meal with your church family at 5:30!
World Communion Sunday:
This Sunday is World Communion Sunday. Our K-5 Children’s Choir will bless us with music at both the 9:45 am Refuel Service and at the 11 am Traditional.
The Communion Rail Offering will benefit Backpack Blessings. Be watching here later in the week for more information about this worthwhile Missions project!
That seems to be all…if anything was left out, leave a comment on Facebook or Twitter and we’ll fix that right up!