It’s the first full week of 2020, Trinity Family!
Let’s see what’s in store:
THE WELL returns this week!
Join us Wednesday night at 5:30 for dinner, followed by music and study activities for all ages.
Friday, January 10th is KID’S NIGHT OUT!
Drop off the little ones from 6 – 10 in Lowrie Hall for a fun night of pizza, popcorn, crafts, and movies!
Cost is $20 for one child, $10 each for additional siblings.
Use this link to sign up by Wednesday
The second Sunday of the month is the week that Trinity participates in FIRST MEAL at First UMC Denton.
If you are interested in joining your Trinity Family members in this effort, contact Georgia Albury at
This coming Sunday, January 12 there will be ONE WORSHIP SERVICE at 11AM in the main sanctuary. We will welcome Guest Pastor Andy Oliver of Allendale UMC in St. Petersburg, FL.
After the service there will be a potluck lunch and question and answer period with Rev. Oliver in Lowrie Hall. Please contact Donna Terrill ( and let her know what you’re bringing.