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Weekly Activities February 10 – 16

It’s a new week, Trinity Family, with new opportunities for fellowship and worship!


Wednesday night at THE WELL is time for everyone!

Dinner in Lowrie Worship Center at 5:30, followed by music and Bible study activities for all ages!

First time? Don’t worry! There’s always a seat at the table for you!





This is the week for KID’S NIGHT OUT!

Friday, February 14th – yes, VALENTINE’S DAY! – from  to 10 pm.

Sign up here by Wednesday, and let us keep the little ones while you go have fun!



From the MISSIONS committee:

What does the number 126 have to do with TUMC? That’s the largest amount of jars of peanut butter we have donated to the Denton Community Food Center ever! Could we improve that number? YES!!! If everyone just brought 1 jar of peanut butter during February, just imagine how much we could give!

Please bring all the peanut butter jars you can by Sunday, March 1 so we can start this new decade in a huge way!!!


Youth News for this week!

Regular Youth Group on Wednesday night, NO GROUP ON SUNDAY, FEB. 16!

Youth Group needs volunteers to provide dinner on Sunday nights. Click here to sign up.

You don’t have to be a Youth parent to help!




We need you as part of the Trinity Welcome Team! Feel free to sign up for as many slots as you want. We also encourage families and groups (Bible Study, Youth, Prayer Team, etc.) to sign up because worshiping and being in fellowship together is always such a gift from God. The Welcome Center sets up goodies for visitors and members to “grab & go” as they head into service or off to Sunday School. It allows us to hit “pause” for a moment & say hello to old or new friends so that we connect.

Click here to sign your group or family up for a Sunday



Dr. Herman Totten will bring the message, in honor of Black History Month