Hello Trinity Friends!
I wanted to let you know about our plans for Vacation Bible School this summer. We will be having a virtual VBS during the month of July, not in person as originally planned. It is going to be a great time for your family to share VBS together. Instead of a week long VBS, we will be sharing a new day of Rocky Railway Vacation Bible School each Wednesday during the month of July.
We are teaming up with two other churches so it will be a community VBS.
Our VBS theme is:
Jesus’ power pulls us through!
Climb aboard for mountains of fun at Rocky Railway virtual VBS! On this faith-filled adventure, kids discover that trusting Jesus pulls them through life’s ups and downs.
The materials and crafts for all the vbs lessons will be put together for each family. We are planning at this time to have a drive by pickup on Saturday morning, June 20th from 10:00-noon for vbs bag pickup. I will keep you updated as the date nears.
If you would like to order a vbs tshirt this year for your child please email me the size you want with your child’s name. I need your sizes by this Tuesday at noon as the order will be made this week. They will cost $7.00 a shirt and will be similar to last years shirt with the three church logos on the back as well as the Bible verse. You can pay for each t-shirt when they arrive. They will be here on the day we pass out vbs lesson bags. (Send your email size order to denisedavis@trinitydenton.org)
I am really excited about Rocky Railway VBS!
Please let me know if you have any questions and are planning on joining us so I can get your family vbs supply bag ready. Thanks so much! Miss you all so very much!
Ms. Denise