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Missions Updates


Carter BloodCare reports that they are extremely low on their blood supply. The BloodCare mobile unit will be in our parking lot Sunday, December 1 from 9:00 – noon collecting blood. Please look for members of the Missions Committee with clipboards before each service Sunday to schedule your blood donation. Thank you for donating!

We still have a few W.S. Ryan Christmas angels to be adopted. The unwrapped gifts are due to the church December 1. If you would like to donate wrapping paper and tape, it would be appreciated. Please be sure to attach your angel ornament to the gifts.

We are still wanting to have donations to W.S. Ryan for the 5th graders to attend Camp Grady Spruce, and are still collecting winter clothing.

Missions Update

The Missions Committee at Trinity has a new project to tell you about, and an update on the Adopt An Angel project.

 Camp Grady Spruce is an outdoor learning experience that W.S. Ryan students go to overnight from December 3 – 6, 2019. Camp Grady Spruce directly aligns with 5th grade Science TEKS. At the camp, students ride in a pontoon boat, hike, compete in archery competitions, ride horses, set the table for meals, and take science notes. Students also compete in night games, star gazing, and star lab.

Camp cost per student is $171, but over 40% of the W.S. Ryan student population is economically disadvantaged.

If you would like to help these students, please make a donation and place it in the offering plate by November 24. Mark your cash stating Camp Grady Spruce, or If donating by check, please write Camp Grady Spruce in the memo line. Thank you!

The project for November is the W.S. Ryan Adopt an Angel for Christmas. Members of the Missions Committee will be in the Narthex Sunday, November 10 to help you adopt one of these angels in order to meet their Christmas wants and needs. Gifts are due Sunday, December 1, 2019.

You can see the rest of November’s Mission Projects in the post linked here.

November Missions Moment

A message from Jean Peterson, Missions Committee Chair:

Good morning, everyone!

Here’s what is happening in November for Missions:

Missions is continuing to collect warm winter outerwear for those in need. Men, women and children need such things as coats, jackets, sweaters, mittens, scarves, caps, and socks. Please place any donations you bring in the benches by the Women’s restroom in the Narthex. Mission will deliver these to Giving Hope for them to distribute in Denton.

The Communion Rail Offering for November will be for The Denton Community Food Center. The Center is seeing more and more people needing food, and will even have some come by who say they haven’t eaten in 3 days! Our church wants to help keep the shelves full of food for those who can’t afford to buy groceries. Thank you for helping!

The project for November is the W.S. Ryan Adopt a Child for Christmas. Soon we will receive the Christmas “Ornaments” for needy children at the school on which their wishes and needs will be listed. More details will be coming soon.

TUMC has again agreed to hold the Carter BloodCare blood drive. We are thankful so many offer to donate their blood from our church. Carter BloodCare relates that this time of year is when there is a critical need for blood. The BloodCare bus will be in our parking lot on Sunday, December 1 from at 9:00 am to 1 pm. Please look for members of the Missions Committee before every service on November 17 and 24 with our clipboard to schedule your visit to the bus!

Thank you all!