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Missions Updates


Carter BloodCare reports that they are extremely low on their blood supply. The BloodCare mobile unit will be in our parking lot Sunday, December 1 from 9:00 – noon collecting blood. Please look for members of the Missions Committee with clipboards before each service Sunday to schedule your blood donation. Thank you for donating!

We still have a few W.S. Ryan Christmas angels to be adopted. The unwrapped gifts are due to the church December 1. If you would like to donate wrapping paper and tape, it would be appreciated. Please be sure to attach your angel ornament to the gifts.

We are still wanting to have donations to W.S. Ryan for the 5th graders to attend Camp Grady Spruce, and are still collecting winter clothing.

Missions Update

The Missions Committee at Trinity has a new project to tell you about, and an update on the Adopt An Angel project.

 Camp Grady Spruce is an outdoor learning experience that W.S. Ryan students go to overnight from December 3 – 6, 2019. Camp Grady Spruce directly aligns with 5th grade Science TEKS. At the camp, students ride in a pontoon boat, hike, compete in archery competitions, ride horses, set the table for meals, and take science notes. Students also compete in night games, star gazing, and star lab.

Camp cost per student is $171, but over 40% of the W.S. Ryan student population is economically disadvantaged.

If you would like to help these students, please make a donation and place it in the offering plate by November 24. Mark your cash stating Camp Grady Spruce, or If donating by check, please write Camp Grady Spruce in the memo line. Thank you!

The project for November is the W.S. Ryan Adopt an Angel for Christmas. Members of the Missions Committee will be in the Narthex Sunday, November 10 to help you adopt one of these angels in order to meet their Christmas wants and needs. Gifts are due Sunday, December 1, 2019.

You can see the rest of November’s Mission Projects in the post linked here.

This Week in Missions

Some reminders from Trinity’s Missions Committee:

This week we are collecting BOXED MACARONI AND CHEESE for the Denton Wesley Foundation. There are several donation baskets (like the one pictured below) just waiting to be filled!


The FALL PLANT SALE is this Saturday, October 19th from 10 am to noon in the front parking lot! We’ll be offering beautiful, healthy pansies, violas, mums, kale, and dusty miller.


OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD is underway! Pick up one of the boxes in the Narthex or use a shoebox of your own, fill with needed items and return to the church by Sunday October 27.

Click the video link below for ideas to get you started!



Monday Roundup October 14 – 20

A new week begins, and with it comes new opportunities for faith and fellowship with our Trinity Family!

It’s Week 3 in the Pumpkin Patch! We have Open Shifts Tuesday from 3 – 5 and 5 – 7, Thursday from 5 – 7, and Saturday from 11 – 1.

Here’s the link – you know what to do!





Wednesday night at THE WELL dinner will be provided by the  Children’s

Choir. Dinner at 5:30, with regular activities to follow.

Next time you see Vinny Thomas or Denise Davis, thank them for all that they do to

organize our Wednesday Nights!



The weather is finally cooperating, so let’s get those fall flowers in the ground!

The Missions Plant Sale is Saturday, October 19 from 10 am to noon in the parking lot!






Finally, on Sunday evening October 20, Trinity’s Chancel Choir presents the entire masterwork of Vivaldi’s Gloria along with music by other prolific composers featuring violins and viola soloists.

An hour long concert sure to please the classical music novice, the busy music appreciator, and the seasoned audience member.

Come witness a true classic!




That’s all for today, Trinity Family!

Watch as the week goes on for updates and long-range plans…did I hear someone say PICNIC?