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Sunday, February 2, 2020

Good Sunday Morning, Trinity Family!

The Communion Rail Offering for February 2 is for Our Daily Bread, which serves the homeless and at-risk in Denton. They will use our offering to provide breakfasts and lunches Monday – Saturday, give passes for showers and bus/train service, provide laundry vouchers, and help with job placement, just to name a few of their services. Our Daily Bread relies on donations to be able to assist others. Our church has helped support Our Daily Bread for many years.

The Missions‘ project for February is to donate jars of peanut butter to the Denton Community Food Center. Every family who comes to the Food Center is offered a jar of peanut butter, so peanut butter is constantly being sent home with the needy. Please help our church supply an abundant amount of this needed food!

We hope to see you this morning at church!

If you can’t be there in person, join us on YouTube for our 11AM LiveStream!