“Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of The World”
Stewardship Daily Devotional
October, 2019
Promising to God and to Trinity our
Prayers, Presence, Gifts, Service, and Witness
Mark Davis, Stewardship Chair
Our Annual Stewardship Campaign that begins October 1 coincides with the beginning of football season. Many football coaches begin the new season by stating that “we’re going to focus on the basics, blocking and tackling”. As Christians we too need to focus on the basics of our Christian faith. What are the basics? When we take membership vows to the Methodist church we promise to “uphold this congregation of the United Methodist Church by our Prayers, Presence, Gifts, Service, and Witness.”
The tendency in many churches is to view stewardship as “paying the bills”. The focus of our stewardship campaign is going to be broadening that view so that people will see both funding mission and ministry, but more clearly growing generous disciples.
Jesus really keeps it simple when He said to them, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it. You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” Matthew 22:37-40
The Mission of the United Methodist Church is, to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. The Long-Range Plan Mission Statement formulated for Trinity is, to transform our family and community through prayer, love, and service. Walk with Christ and be a shining beacon of hope that will draw people to the open arms of the loving almighty God.
This Stewardship Devotional contains writings and reflections of several of our Trinity brothers and sisters on what Prayers, Presence, Gifts, Service, and Witness means to them personally. I hope you will read and reflect on how you can love God, love your neighbor as yourself, make disciples of Jesus Christ, transform our family and community through prayer, love, and service, and be a shining beacon of hope that will draw people to the open arms of the loving almighty God.
Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow!
Mark Davis, Stewardship Chair
Devotions from this book will be published daily on our website, with links from our Facebook and Twitter. A printed copy of the entire book is available at the church.