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New Class Wednesday at THE WELL

The Conversational Christianity class begins a new series this Wednesday night, titled Faithful and Inclusive: The Bible, Sexuality, and the United Methodist Church. They would like to extend an invitation to all who would like to join them.

Read on, for more information.

New Video Study Tackles Issue Now Dividing United Methodist Church

With the prospect of a split looming over the United Methodist Church, the Institute for Discipleship has partnered with a prominent United Methodist pastor to produce a new DVD study series addressing the issue of homosexuality.

“Faithful and Inclusive: The Bible, Sexuality, and the United Methodist Church” was created to guide United Methodists through the issue that has churned the denomination for decades.

“My hope is that this study can leave United Methodists with the understanding that they can affirm their commitment to the authority of scripture and seek full inclusion of LGBTQ people in the church,” said Rev. Rob Fuquay, the author-presenter of the study.
Fuquay is senior pastor of St. Luke’s United Methodist Church in Indianapolis, Indiana, among the largest congregations in the denomination. A United Methodist pastor for more than 30 years, he is also the author of several biblical studies published by the United Methodist Publishing House and Upper Room Books.

The six-part video series evolved out of study sessions that Fuquay led in his church earlier this year. Unable to find United Methodist curriculum that addresses the handful of Bible passages used to form church policy, Fuquay developed his own, employing a Wesleyan approach to biblical interpretation.

Adapted from those church sessions, the video series is designed to help participants learn what the Bible says and then form their own opinions. All six parts allow ample time for thoughtful discussion, as well as moving faith stories of LGBTQ United Methodists and their family members. The study is intended for Sunday school classes and other small groups, but it also can be modified to be used congregation-wide.

“I know this is an issue that many people shy away from, but this study was created with the conviction that it’s time for every United Methodist to engage in this discussion,” Fuquay said. “The future of the denomination is now at risk. Only the people in the pews can offer any hope for healing and resolution.”

Conversational Christianity meets Wednesday nights at 6:15 in the conference room.