Good news from a Great Church
A Message of Hope and Reassurance
Rev. Bowden brings a message to the Trinity Family.
Apologies in advance for the video quality. First time I’ve done this – M.
“Father, Forgive”
As you prepare your hearts and minds for our Thanksgiving worship this coming Sunday, November 24th, please read and reflect upon Luke 23:33-43.
It may seem a bit odd to preach on the meaning and the power of Jesus’ crucifixion the Sunday before all of the Thanksgiving festivities. Upon further reflection, though, what could we be more thankful for than God’s gracious act of self-giving love in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ?
I’ve been hearing the term “crisis” with greater frequency these days.
–Our world is in crisis.
–Nations are in crisis.
–Churches and schools are in crisis,
–Individuals, marriages, and families are in crisis.
How is a crisis defined? What constitutes a crisis?
Consider this definition:
The noun crisis comes from the Latinized form of the Greek word krisis, meaning “turning point in a disease.” At such a moment, the person with the disease could get better or worse: it’s a critical moment. The etymology of the term “crisis” shares a relationship with the term “Christ.”
Life is about choices. If we find ourselves in a crisis, we can choose to embrace the power of the crisis or the power of Christ. I choose to embrace Christ and hold on to his everlasting promises.
The only crisis which has ever existed is the corruption of the human heart. On the cross, Jesus took our disease of sin upon himself, thus offering us the opportunity to be forgiven, loved, and free.
If you ever visit England, be sure to spend time in the city of Coventry, northwest of London.
During WWII, The Coventry Blitz (blitz: from the German word Blitzkrieg meaning “lightning war” struck the beautiful city with relentless force. The city was bombed many times by the German Air Force (Luftwaffe). The most devastating of these attacks occurred on the evening of 14 November 1940 and continued into the morning of 15 November.
Christians of Coventry took two charred embers and made the form of a cross with the inscription “Father Forgive.”
While serving a previous church, I would join in a duet with one of our choristers who has a lovely soprano voice. We sang “Give Thanks” every Thanksgiving Sunday. The hymn, written by Henry Smith in 1978 is based on Luke 1:49–53.
Give thanks with a grateful heart
Give thanks to the Holy One
Give thanks because He’s given Jesus Christ, His Son
And now let the weak say, “I am strong”
Let the poor say, “I am rich
Because of what the Lord has done for us”
Give thanks
We give thanks to You
This Thanksgiving as you feast with family and friends at your table, give thanks to the Holy One for giving us Jesus Christ.
Rev. Jim
Wellness Tips We Can Learn From a Dog
Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joy ride.
Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy.
When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.
When it’s in your best interest, practice obedience.
Let others know when they’ve invaded your territory.
Take naps and stretch before rising.
Run, romp, and play daily.
Eat with gusto and enthusiasm.
Be loyal.
Never pretend to be something you’re not.
If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.
When someone you love is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by, and nuzzle them gently.
Thrive on attention and let people touch you (advisedly/carefully).
Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.
On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree.
When happy, dance around and wag your entire body.
No matter how often you’re scolded, don’t buy into the guilt thing and pout — run right back and make friends.
Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.
One of my deepest beliefs is that God gives us dogs (and other domestic pets) to teach us things that God wants for us to know and practice.
The Holidays are quickly approaching. While they can be joyful occasions, they can also be stressful. Love one another as Christ (and your pet) loves you.
Daily prayer: “Dear God, please help me to be just half the person my dog thinks I am.”
In Christian Love,
Rev. Jim
Weekly Activities November 4 – 10
Can it be November all ready?
How time does fly…
Here are the major events at Trinity this week!
This Friday is KID’S NIGHT OUT! Every parents’ favorite Friday, when for $20 (first child, $10 for siblings) we can drop the children off in a safe, loving environment with their friends from 6 – 10 pm. Pizza, snacks, crafts and a movie are all part of the deal!
And next is SATURDAY, the day we’ve been waiting for….THE ALL-CHURCH PICNINC!
11 am til 3…or until everybody goes home, according to Donna Terrill.
Since it’s at her house, she gets to say that.
General Information is in this post (click, opens in a new tab)
Contact Donna Terrill by phone at 214-912-1297 (text or call)
or by email at to let her know you’re coming!
There’s also a signup genius at this link
The weather looks perfect for Saturday!
As always, keep watching this space for more updates throughout the week!
Reminders for Sunday
Greetings, Trinity Family!
We hope you’ve had a good week, and a good end to the month.
A few notes about tomorrow’s services:
Tomorrow is All Saints’ Sunday, when we honor the lives and memories of those who have left us in the last year. At all three services, We will give thanks to God for their lives lived among us for a season and a time, and their new lives now, eternal in the heavens.
The communion rail offering tomorrow will benefit the Denton Community Food Center.
From Jean Peterson, Missions Chair:
The Center is seeing more and more people needing food, and will even have some come by who say they haven’t eaten in 3 days! Our church wants to help keep the shelves full of food for those who can’t afford to buy groceries. Thank you for helping!
Please remember to bring your Stewardship Commitment Cards to worship in the morning, and place the completed cards in the offering plate. If you don’t have a card, there will be one inside your worship bulletin.
Our Children’s Choir will sing for us at the 11 am Traditional Service tomorrow. Thank you, Vinny Thomas, for all the time you devote to Children’s Music here at Trinity! We are blessed to have you!
As always, we hope to see in worship tomorrow, whether at 8:30, 9:45, or 11. If you can’t be there, try the Livestream at 11 am
To All The Single Moms!
My maternal grandmother always enjoyed telling the story of my birth:
“Your mother stopped at a drug store, purchased a bottle of castor oil, poured it into frosted glass of iced-cold root beer and chugged it down. I put my sea-sick, wobbling daughter into the car and drove from Aurora as fast as I could to the University of Colorado Medical Center where she had been working as a respiratory therapist. I dropped her off at the Emergency Department and said, ‘I’m going to go park my car. If this baby is born before I get back, and it’s a boy,” he is to be named James Bradley Bowden.”
No sooner had she parked the car and entered the main hospital when she heard the words over the public address system, “Mrs. Yates, James Bradley Bowden has arrived.”
My “Granny” wanted me to have this name because she thought it sounded distinguished. Her vision for me was to have a corner office in a sky-rise office building over-looking the city with big bold letters on my door reading J.B.
It’s funny when I look back. I did become a businessperson; albeit one who would be doing God’s business (Luke 2:49).
I adored my mother. I loved the aroma that surrounded her…a mixture of lavender and cinnamon. She wore bright red lipstick and had the most beautiful blonde hair and green eyes. She lavished me with attention and affection. She told me every day how much she loved me. In turn, I told her the same. During my 1st-grade year, she walked to the school on sunny days to pick me up. She always met me with outstretched arms, a glistening smile, and sparkling eyes. She loved the balloons of primary colors I made for her. She delighted in them. She scooped me up and kissed me all over my face. For as far back as I can remember I always greeted her by saying, “Hi, Beautiful! She always replied, “Hi, Handsome)!
I remember my mother’s wisdom, guidance, and assurance. I have searched the files of my heart and mind. I cannot remember a single time when my “Maggie” was ever mean toward me or hurtful to me.
I always thought she was so elegant and pretty. She was married to 3 different men, none of whom who were deserving of her love. All 3 men hurt her, neglected her, and abandoned her. Not one of them ever deterred her strength and determination to maintain her dignity and provide for her children. My mother always made a way. I may have lived in a shack for a few years in rural West Virginia, but I never went hungry. I never knew such a holy, sacred, place for the mothering God of love to express itself. We worked together at a Shoney’s Restaurant. I was a cook; she, a waitress. Each night we would drive the winding country roads back to the shack and count her tips. The next morning we went to shop for the essentials!
God alone knows how much I loved this woman. She has been gathered to her people. I will be with her again.
Here’s to all the single moms!
Rev. Dr. Jim Bowden
Stewardship: Your Giving, In Action
If you were in any of our three services on Sunday, October 27th, you heard our own Dr. Herman Totten speak about Apportionments, and what Global Methodist Ministries are supported by that 6% of Trinity’s budget.
Due to technical issues, there was no Livestream on Sunday, so we have reproduced Herman’s talk here for you to read.
Apportionment Funds
The main way we support the ministries of the church is through our Apportioned funds, a method of giving that proportionally allocates the church-wide budget to conferences and local churches.
For United Methodists this method of giving has become a strong, generous tradition.
Together, through our connected congregations, we accomplish what no single church, district, or annual conference could ever hope to do alone. In this way, each individual, each family, each congregation gives a fair share for the church’s work. We combine our prayers, presence, gifts, and service to make a significant difference in the lives of God’s people.
The General funds include:
The World Service Fund is the essential core of our global outreach ministry, underwriting Christian mission around the world.
Men and women choose the ministry because God calls them. The Ministerial Education Fund is our way of helping them answer this divine call. Our United Methodist seminaries lead the effort to proclaim God’s word in a world desperately in need of that message.
Bishops have always had a very special role in our church…elected and consecrated to speak to the church…and from the church. The apostle Paul called it “a noble task,” but it is practical, too, since our bishops oversee and promote the church’s spiritual and temporal interests as well.
The 11 historically Black colleges and universities supported by the United Methodist Church have played unique roles in higher education. Their graduates – teachers and doctors, ministers and bishops, judges, artists and entrepreneurs – are leaders in the African-American community and in a rapidly changing, more diverse United States.
We United Methodists acknowledge that we are but a small part of the worldwide Christian church – the living body of Jesus Christ. Our unity with other Christian communions is affirmed as we witness to a common Christian faith, meet human suffering and advocate for peace and justice all over the world.
This vital fund supports the only United Methodist-related, degree-granting university on the continent of Africa – serving students from 21 countries, all across the continent of Africa. Africa University provides higher education of excellent quality, enriched with Christian values, for both men and women, developing visionary leaders of tomorrow.
This fund underwrites and finances general church activities that are administrative in nature, rather than program-related – like General Conference, the legislative branch of the church. General Council on Finance and Administration coordinates and administers the finances of the church, receives, disburses and accounts for the church’s general funds, safeguards the denomination’s legal interests and rights, compiles and publishes denominational statistics and maintains the church’s records.
85% stays at Trinity
7% goes to Jurisdictional, Annual Conferences, and District
6% Benevolence (Second Mile Giving)
6% to General Apportionments
– Dr. Herman Totten
October 27, 2019
Did Someone Say PICNIC?
Have you heard? In celebration of all of the hard work everyone puts forth for our annual pumpkin patch fundraiser and to celebrate our 2019 stewardship campaign Larry and Donna Terrill will be hosting an ALL-CHURCH PICNIC at their ranch!
Parking will be at the front of the property, will shuttle service to the picnic area available for those who need it.
if you want to fish, bring your equipment. Fishing is catch-and-release. Children fishing must have adult supervision
Bring a dessert or a side dish to share. the Terrills will be providing hotdogs, hamburgers, chicken, and drinks
BY PHONE: 214-912-1297 (CALL OR TEXT)
Let Donna know how many people in your party, and what type of dish you’re bringing
Join your Trinity Family in a day of Food, Fun, and Fellowship!
Here is the link to the SIGN UP GENIUS for the picnic
As October draws to a close, so does Trinity’s annual Stewardship Campaign.
We hope that you have read and enjoyed the Daily Devotionals, and that they have inspired you to think about the gifts manifested in your own life, and how you, too, can be the hands and feet of Christ.
Commitment Cards are now available at the church. We ask each member of our Trinity Family to take a card and carefully, prayerfully consider their giving for the next year, and return the completed cards to the church by Sunday, November 3rd.
Once these cards are received, the budgeting process can being for the next year.
Below is a short video from Church Administrator Michael Reid detailing our budget from last year. Please take a minute to watch if you missed it in the worship service.
Thank you, Trinity Family, for all of your support, in every form it. takes.