It’s a super-busy week, Trinity Family!
First up – THE WELL:
Dinner at 5:30 is POTLUCK this week (Wednesday the 25th). Bring a dish (with food in it, as Pastor Jim likes to say) to share. Casseroles, sides, bread, dessert; whatever you choose. Can’t bring anything? We’ll feed you anyway. We always need volunteers for clean-up, too!
The first load(s) of pumpkins for the Pumpkin Patch arrives Saturday Morning, September 28th, at 8 am. Come on down and help unload and set-up! Prepare to get dirty, and be uplifted and inspired through this unique stewardship opportunity.
(And sweaty. You will also get very sweaty. But, hey! It counts as exercise, right?)
We have lots of shifts to fill to sell pumpkins, starting as soon as we’re set up! Click here to pick your shift!
Sunday the 29th is YOUTH SUNDAY!
The Youth will lead all three worship services this week. Support them in their journey by attending your regular service, and listening with your whole heart. We all grow in our own faith journey when we encourage others.
This is the last Sunday to bring items for First Meal. Find the list from last week’s bulletin, or click HERE to see the post with the list. Place your items on the benches near the women’s restroom in the Narthex. Thank you for helping our church to help those in need.
Did we miss anything? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter, and we’ll add them in!
See you on Wednesday at THE WELL!