Hello, Trinity Family!
I know this usually goes up on Monday, but DID YOU SEE THE GLORIA ON SUNDAY???? I needed a recovery day!
Here’s the link, in case you didn’t make it. Next time you see Tawny Rybowicz, tell her how great it was!
On to this week’s activities!
Missions Committee would like to thank everyone for all the donations for the Denton Wesley Foundation, and remind us that this week’s item is CEREAL. You can also bring any of the other items requested throughout the month – canned vegetables and tomatoes, instant rice and pasta, boxed macaroni and cheese.
This is also the Sunday to return your Operation Christmas Child box! Fill them up and bring them with you this week!
TRUNK OR TREAT is this Saturday, October 26, and WE STILL NEED MORE CARS! This is a major neighborhood outreach for our church, and we love to do it up big. Please, if you can, sign up HERE, and help us put on an amazing party!
Only 9 days left in the Pumpkin Patch! Shifts are still open, with the most pressing being this Thursday, 5 – 7, Saturday from 3 – 5, and next Tuesday (29th) from 5 – 7. Other shifts have only one person working, and it’s way more fun with a partner! Here’s the link to the sign-up, you know what to do!
Our annual Stewardship Campaign is wrapping up at the end of the month. Commitment Cards are available now, and the Stewardship Committee asks that they be completed and returned by Sunday, November 3. Watch for more information on this later in the week.
Have you heard? WE’RE HAVING AN ALL-CHURCH PICNIC! Mark your calendars for Saturday, November 9th at noon, and watch this space for more information!
Have I forgotten anything? Let me know if I did!
Have a great week, Trinity Family, and we’ll see you at THE WELL on Wednesday night!