These TLC (Trinity Learning Center) graduations always come way too fast for me. I absolutely love and adore these kids. What a gift it is to serve as the Pastor of Trinity United Methodist Church and be with these kids everyday. 20 of our bright and shining TLC stars will be graduating tonight and moving on up to Kindergarten. God alone knows how very proud I am of them. Still, I will miss seeing their smiling faces everyday and spending time with them in chapel. I will miss the fist bumps, high-fives, hugs, ring pops, sea shells, stuffed animals, and wall/door art they give me for my Study. I give God grateful thanks and praise for Director Nancy Norrid, Assistant Director, Ashley Baker and our wonderful TLC teaching staff and church staff — all of whom work together to make it happen. Have you hugged your kids today? Have you told them that you love them? Have you told them how proud you are of them? I’m going to miss these “BIG GUYS” and “SWEETIE PIES!” Rev. Jim.